Из любой ситуации выходи победителем, любую цель добивай до конца! ~ Пусть всегда будет Тико, пусть всегда будет Дэвид, пусть всегда будет Ричи, пусть всегда будет Джон!!!!!!~
Lie is normally for people. Sometimes lie is the easiest way out.
Из любой ситуации выходи победителем, любую цель добивай до конца! ~ Пусть всегда будет Тико, пусть всегда будет Дэвид, пусть всегда будет Ричи, пусть всегда будет Джон!!!!!!~
Thank you for correction. For first people must can masterly lie.
Hikari Aino, читать дальшеFor first First of all, people must canmasterly lie well. (тут много вопросов....потому что я вообще не поняла с самого начала, что ты имела в виду....потому исправила, как поняла смысл. Фраза "для начала", или "прежде всего" по-ангельски будет "first of all", люди должны мастерски лгать....я правильно поняла? Если да, то это лучше сказать так: people must learn to lie good enough, или people must be masters (awesome specialists, professionals etc.) in lie)
But I suppose they are not that good, for their lies are seen to me clearly.
Из любой ситуации выходи победителем, любую цель добивай до конца! ~ Пусть всегда будет Тико, пусть всегда будет Дэвид, пусть всегда будет Ричи, пусть всегда будет Джон!!!!!!~
Всё правильно поняла Always seemed to me that deceive you is difficult.
Hikari Aino, now I would siply talk and talk. Çause all seems OK with the language forms ... there is a small inversion but it sound correct if it is an inversion, so...in case you need some explanations, be free to ask. None the less my answer to you:
Always seemed to me that deceive you is difficult. Do you mean deceiving me or just expressing some general ideas? For if you mean deceiving me personally, I’d like to know why so? Why do you think so? And if you mean general ideas than I’d say that I totally agree – lying to people is not as easy as it may seem.
Из любой ситуации выходи победителем, любую цель добивай до конца! ~ Пусть всегда будет Тико, пусть всегда будет Дэвид, пусть всегда будет Ричи, пусть всегда будет Джон!!!!!!~
You are seemed to me penetrating. This is from my personal experience and maybe only my personal opinion.
And about deception of people - all will be show up sooner or later. What is done by night, - appears by day.
click-clickYou are seemed penetrating to me penetrating. This is from my personal experience and maybe only my personal opinion. (it is not really correct to use the word "penetrating" in this context, because it is not about the mind ability, unless I am a sort of magician or some....in this case it is better to say something like "you seemed as if you look right through mind to me" or "you seemed to be a discerning person to me")
And about (better use "as for" or "speaking of" plust you should add "the" article before the "deception") deception of people - all will be shown up sooner or later. What is done by night, - appears by day.
I never have thought that I am like that. I sometimes can feel lies, but I am not sure that is so in most of the cases. Lies is always revealed.
Из любой ситуации выходи победителем, любую цель добивай до конца! ~ Пусть всегда будет Тико, пусть всегда будет Дэвид, пусть всегда будет Ричи, пусть всегда будет Джон!!!!!!~
The probability to deceive somebody always exists. You are seemed me a good psychologist.
Hikari Aino, Agree, it always exists but I also agree that truth is to be revealed sooner or later.
miu-miuits me again about the corrections. In case you do not understand some things, please ask, I would gladly give you more explenations. Still, here is what I check: The probability to deceive somebody always exists (this one has troubles with the word order, but it is not as easy to check it as the next one so here is the one as it should be: there is always probability to deceive somebody). You are seemed a good psychologistto me a good psychologist.
Из любой ситуации выходи победителем, любую цель добивай до конца! ~ Пусть всегда будет Тико, пусть всегда будет Дэвид, пусть всегда будет Ричи, пусть всегда будет Джон!!!!!!~
I adore you *_____*
While all is clear. I was thinking that "there is/there are" used only the question is about location of objects: "There is a table and three chairs in the room", "There Is A Rainbow In The Rain"..
Yes, someday it will be. And all will know what was did last summer.
Hikari Aino, well, actually that is correct. I am glad to know at least one person who knows the rules of "there is/there are" that well. For it is so. This construction is indeed used when you have some location for the objects. But it does not only mean to have physical place of physical object to locate, for example, you can locate something in mind or a human thought which actually has no real place being too abstract but still you can say "there is such a glitch in human's mind that makes us the only creature on earth acting illogically"- something of the kind. Or if talking about your specific example: "there is always probability to deceive somebody" means that you have some abstract place in time and opportunities within life which is the place of the probability location...somewhere like that. clickOne more thing: "Yes, someday it will be so. And alleveryone will know what was did you do last sSummer."
Из любой ситуации выходи победителем, любую цель добивай до конца! ~ Пусть всегда будет Тико, пусть всегда будет Дэвид, пусть всегда будет Ричи, пусть всегда будет Джон!!!!!!~
After appearance of the internet became easier to calculate secret information about people.
Из любой ситуации выходи победителем, любую цель добивай до конца! ~ Пусть всегда будет Тико, пусть всегда будет Дэвид, пусть всегда будет Ричи, пусть всегда будет Джон!!!!!!~
And some people such talkative - expose in them diarys all details up to intimate life... They are such amusing.. It`s improperly even.
Hikari Aino, *паникку*я первую часть поняла, а последнее предложение вообще не поняла, скажи по-русски, шобы я смогла помочь.
here we go...And some people are such talkative - they expose in them diaries all details up to intimate life in their diaries... They are such amusing personalities (or you can say that thus: they are so funny (hilarious etc.)).
I gotta make a confession now: I do not like reading those kinds of writings that people leave in their diaries - like opening their intimate life to the whole wide world. Personal and private life is actually private to me and if they do so, they just look the same as exhibitionists to me in that case, and I fear of exhibitionists btw.
Из любой ситуации выходи победителем, любую цель добивай до конца! ~ Пусть всегда будет Тико, пусть всегда будет Дэвид, пусть всегда будет Ричи, пусть всегда будет Джон!!!!!!~
"Это неприлично даже"
I dont read this usually too, but there is one exception.. There is one difficult person wich difficult character, who was writing about her intimate details and published photos where she is naked.. but also there were such interesting writings on her diary about cookery and trips. She cooks very well and understands in strong waters. In childhood she was living in Vietnam, - work of her father is related to Vietnam. To 30 she became more clever and already does not describes intimate details.
Hikari Aino, "Это неприлично даже" не знаю, почему выбор именно таких слов.... потому что это по-ангельски будет "That is even indecent (obscene)" chose one you like.
a little checkI dont read this usually tooeither, but there is one exception. There is one difficult person wich difficult charactercomplicated personality, who was writing about her intimate life details and published photos where she iswas naked... but also there were such interesting writingsrecords (posts, threads)oin her diary about cookery and trips. She cooks very well and understands in strong waters (knows a lot about strong alcohol????). In childhood she was living in Vietnam, - work of her father is related to Vietnam. To when she grew up to 30 she became more clever and already does not describes intimate details of her life any longer.
Do you have interest in alcohol? Do you like cooking? That is something I actually did not know about you =)
Из любой ситуации выходи победителем, любую цель добивай до конца! ~ Пусть всегда будет Тико, пусть всегда будет Дэвид, пусть всегда будет Ричи, пусть всегда будет Джон!!!!!!~
"Records"? I`m always thing that this word is related to music..
Yes, I like cooking, especially different high-calorie food and at the same time I try to become thin XDD I have interest in alcohol, read about it, but drink it rarely.
"Records"? I`m always thingought that this word is related to music. Nope, not only. You can record something digitally, so it is record too, but for blogs it is more preffered to use "make threads" or "make posts" or "to post".
Yes, I like cooking, especially different high-calorie food and at the same time I try to become thin XDD What's your favorite dish? (the one you like cooking)
I have interest in alcohol, read about it, but drink it rarely. Why do you have interest in alcohol? I mean how did it happen so that you became interested in this realm?
Из любой ситуации выходи победителем, любую цель добивай до конца! ~ Пусть всегда будет Тико, пусть всегда будет Дэвид, пусть всегда будет Ричи, пусть всегда будет Джон!!!!!!~
I like to cook chocolate pudding and julienne, size of that is whole pan))
My interest in alcohol begun from interest in cookery. I think it also influence my interest to Italian cookery.
Из любой ситуации выходи победителем, любую цель добивай до конца! ~ Пусть всегда будет Тико, пусть всегда будет Дэвид, пусть всегда будет Ричи, пусть всегда будет Джон!!!!!!~
I never drink Italian wine.. but I thinking that it is work of art))) I was eating Italian meal only.
Hikari Aino, once more about checksI have never driunk Italian wine. but I thinking that it is the work of art))) I was eatingate Italian meals only.
What aredo you cook the best of all?
Notes: use "to be" (am is are) only in present simple where the predicate is not a verb form (I am a writer, He is a doctor, they are smart) and in present continuous where the verb posesses the "ing" suffix - I am working now. Remember that Present Continuous is used to show what you do at the mometn you express this and present simple denotes what you do in general. Present Simple is built with only verb in a proper form when the predicate is a verb: I work a lot, He knows math, the learn French etc.
I was eating somthing - means you ate it for some period of time some time ago, but if you want to speak of a simple fact - use past simple - I ate it couple of times etc.
To form questions in present simple - use auxilliary verb "to do" - use it also to make negative sentences. Do you work for foreign company? I do not work for foreign comapny. I work for the one created by my friend.
What's your favorite Italian dish?
I think that would be Lasagna and the dish of my own recipe called "the dragon's hair" (ryuu no hige) - I have recipes of that posted here in my diary.
Из любой ситуации выходи победителем, любую цель добивай до конца! ~ Пусть всегда будет Тико, пусть всегда будет Дэвид, пусть всегда будет Ричи, пусть всегда будет Джон!!!!!!~
My favourite Italian dish is pizza XDD Good pizza it is as a wonderful Italian dream... Hot, cheesy, with sweet shrimps.....
Hikari Aino, well, for that you just have to go to Italy. Or to make it yourself I'd say that among Italian food the best one is Lasagna, though I have not tried a lot yet. I love different types of pasta though. I never have tried any Italian wine, but I tried Chillian and some Japanese.
Из любой ситуации выходи победителем, любую цель добивай до конца! ~ Пусть всегда будет Тико, пусть всегда будет Дэвид, пусть всегда будет Ричи, пусть всегда будет Джон!!!!!!~
I like Japanise plum wine from Moscow supermarkets XDD. And apricot wine from Crimea. I still remember how I poisoned by fish in Crimea and the next day I went to tasting of wiens XDD
Из любой ситуации выходи победителем, любую цель добивай до конца! ~ Пусть всегда будет Тико, пусть всегда будет Дэвид, пусть всегда будет Ричи, пусть всегда будет Джон!!!!!!~
Because tickets to this excursion had bought before poisoning. After that excursion I had liked apricot wine.
But still, that hurts.
For first people must can masterly lie.
But I suppose they are not that good, for their lies are seen to me clearly.
Always seemed to me that deceive you is difficult.
Hikari Aino, now I would siply talk and talk. Çause all seems OK with the language forms ... there is a small inversion but it sound correct if it is an inversion, so...in case you need some explanations, be free to ask. None the less my answer to you:
Always seemed to me that deceive you is difficult.
Do you mean deceiving me or just expressing some general ideas? For if you mean deceiving me personally, I’d like to know why so? Why do you think so?
And if you mean general ideas than I’d say that I totally agree – lying to people is not as easy as it may seem.
And about deception of people - all will be show up sooner or later. What is done by night, - appears by day.
I never have thought that I am like that. I sometimes can feel lies, but I am not sure that is so in most of the cases.
Lies is always revealed.
I adore you *_____*
While all is clear. I was thinking that "there is/there are" used only the question is about location of objects: "There is a table and three chairs in the room", "There Is A Rainbow In The Rain"..
Yes, someday it will be. And all will know what was did last summer.
yep=) things are always uncovered.
indeed so.
It`s improperly even.
here we go...
I gotta make a confession now: I do not like reading those kinds of writings that people leave in their diaries - like opening their intimate life to the whole wide world. Personal and private life is actually private to me and if they do so, they just look the same as exhibitionists to me in that case, and I fear of exhibitionists btw.
I dont read this usually too, but there is one exception.. There is one difficult person wich difficult character, who was writing about her intimate details and published photos where she is naked.. but also there were such interesting writings on her diary about cookery and trips. She cooks very well and understands in strong waters. In childhood she was living in Vietnam, - work of her father is related to Vietnam. To 30 she became more clever and already does not describes intimate details.
не знаю, почему выбор именно таких слов.... потому что это по-ангельски будет "That is even indecent (obscene)" chose one you like.
a little check
Do you have interest in alcohol?
Do you like cooking?
That is something I actually did not know about you =)
Yes, I like cooking, especially different high-calorie food and at the same time I try to become thin XDD
I have interest in alcohol, read about it, but drink it rarely.
`malways thingought that this word is related to music.Nope, not only.
You can record something digitally, so it is record too, but for blogs it is more preffered to use "make threads" or "make posts" or "to post".
Yes, I like cooking, especially different high-calorie food and at the same time I try to become thin XDD
What's your favorite dish? (the one you like cooking)
I have interest in alcohol, read about it, but drink it rarely.
Why do you have interest in alcohol? I mean how did it happen so that you became interested in this realm?
My interest in alcohol begun from interest in cookery. I think it also influence my interest to Italian cookery.
gotta try
Do you like Italian wine?
What are you cook the best of all?
What's your favorite Italian dish?
I think that would be Lasagna and the dish of my own recipe called "the dragon's hair" (ryuu no hige) - I have recipes of that posted here in my diary.
I'd say that among Italian food the best one is Lasagna, though I have not tried a lot yet. I love different types of pasta though.
I never have tried any Italian wine, but I tried Chillian and some Japanese.
I still remember how I poisoned by fish in Crimea and the next day I went to tasting of wiens XDD